TMOF Outerspace (xkr47) TMOF

Records of technical1

This map on the "sister server" TMO Outerspace (xkr47) (if the map exists there)

1.42.2241.88by XR»Acid2010-06-18
2.43.4537.00by Xmas*Garfovsky2010-06-18
3.43.5743.34by zero| ma\/`2010-10-22
4.44.0043.37by СИ» Ċэूяσ *GG2010-08-11
5.44.0343.29by TnTBlackCat2010-06-18
6.45.7244.65by [RKK]Rudy2010-09-24
45.88AUTHOR medal (_RYDER)
7.46.1945.67by атѕ»ĵәीिפטצ»Lт <32009-09-13
8.47.0046.32by φџīφџê 2010-01-11
9.47.6146.31by GsR×x Яøώ?! »2010-08-13
10.48.1046.43by SmokyBird2010-01-20
11.48.2546.59by KrazOu!!2010-08-13
12.48.6647.42by XCS [dtc]ĐStroψ <32010-09-12
13.49.0548.43by CN» τaн *2010-09-24
14.49.4048.48by [powi21]E=คиםצ²2010-10-22
15.49.4147.46by 2009-11-30
50.00gold medal
16.50.4744.86by [CMC³]Mad'XR2009-09-13
17.51.6649.71by Djib2010-08-11
18.52.0848.25by na्řҝøूτek2010-10-23
19.54.1050.95by John2009-10-03
20.54.3852.29by ¬UD»Pauu3R.2010-06-28
21.56.1454.39by «イҤл Filip2010-01-20
22.56.7351.89by כәllơ2010-09-12
23.57.1656.99by YOUENNN2009-11-11
24.57.6356.95by XCS Elina2010-01-20
25.57.9353.08by îηƒεrη๏2010-04-06
26.59.4158.12by »Keks2009-11-27
60.00silver medal
27.62.7257.39by endrick2009-09-13
28.63.4662.55by ратяук10232010-09-11
29.64.8959.41by zboys2010-01-11
30.68.3556.14by βŦ<<Killer_King2009-09-13
31.76.9167.97by ==Foxy ==2010-09-24
92.00bronze medal
32.97.4168.68by jaeglenn2010-02-28
33.151.9087.40by toll_2010-01-20
34.203.29203.29by B@sti@n2009-12-13

Checkpoint records

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)holders of "time from previous"
1.4.464.46 by [TnT]Eagle
2.3.708.16 by XR»Acid
3.4.2012.36 by Xmas*Garfovsky
4.2.4914.85 by Xmas*Garfovsky
5.2.3717.22 by Xmas*Garfovsky
6.3.5220.74 by [CMC³]Mad'XR, and XR»Acid, and СИ» Ċэूяσ *GG
7.3.8624.60 by XR»Acid
8.2.3126.91 by XR»Acid
9.2.2529.16 by XR»Acid
10. finish7.3236.48 by Xmas*Garfovsky

Checkpoint records of select players

#1. XR»Acid

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
1.4.49 (+0.03)4.49 (+0.03)
2.3.708.19 (+0.03)
3.5.50 (+1.30)13.69 (+1.33)
4.2.96 (+0.47)16.65 (+1.80)
5.5.86 (+3.49)22.51 (+5.29)
6.3.5226.03 (+5.29)
7.3.8629.89 (+5.29)
8.2.3132.20 (+5.29)
9.2.2534.45 (+5.29)
10. finish7.43 (+0.11)41.88 (+5.40)

#2. Xmas*Garfovsky

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
1.4.50 (+0.04)4.50 (+0.04)
2.3.72 (+0.02)8.22 (+0.06)
3.4.2012.42 (+0.06)
4.2.4914.91 (+0.06)
5.2.3717.28 (+0.06)
6.3.59 (+0.07)20.87 (+0.13)
7.4.02 (+0.16)24.89 (+0.29)
8.2.41 (+0.10)27.30 (+0.39)
9.2.38 (+0.13)29.68 (+0.52)
10. finish7.3237.00 (+0.52)

#3. zero| ma\/`

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
1.4.49 (+0.03)4.49 (+0.03)
2.3.78 (+0.08)8.27 (+0.11)
3.5.95 (+1.75)14.22 (+1.86)
4.2.85 (+0.36)17.07 (+2.22)
5.5.95 (+3.58)23.02 (+5.80)
6.3.74 (+0.22)26.76 (+6.02)
7.4.26 (+0.40)31.02 (+6.42)
8.2.43 (+0.12)33.45 (+6.54)
9.2.34 (+0.09)35.79 (+6.63)
10. finish7.55 (+0.23)43.34 (+6.86)

#4. СИ» Ċэूяσ *GG

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
1.4.53 (+0.07)4.53 (+0.07)
2.3.76 (+0.06)8.29 (+0.13)
3.5.97 (+1.77)14.26 (+1.90)
4.2.97 (+0.48)17.23 (+2.38)
5.6.10 (+3.73)23.33 (+6.11)
6.3.5226.85 (+6.11)
7.3.99 (+0.13)30.84 (+6.24)
8.2.37 (+0.06)33.21 (+6.30)
9.2.27 (+0.02)35.48 (+6.32)
10. finish7.89 (+0.57)43.37 (+6.89)

#13. CN» τaн *

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
1.4.58 (+0.12)4.58 (+0.12)
2.3.86 (+0.16)8.44 (+0.28)
3.6.28 (+2.08)14.72 (+2.36)
4.3.38 (+0.89)18.10 (+3.25)
5.6.75 (+4.38)24.85 (+7.63)
6.4.19 (+0.67)29.04 (+8.30)
7.4.69 (+0.83)33.73 (+9.13)
8.2.77 (+0.46)36.50 (+9.59)
9.2.74 (+0.49)39.24 (+10.08)
10. finish9.19 (+1.87)48.43 (+11.95)

#16. [CMC³]Mad'XR

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
1.4.51 (+0.05)4.51 (+0.05)
2.3.87 (+0.17)8.38 (+0.22)
3.5.95 (+1.75)14.33 (+1.97)
4.2.89 (+0.40)17.22 (+2.37)
5.5.97 (+3.60)23.19 (+5.97)
6.3.5226.71 (+5.97)
7.4.48 (+0.62)31.19 (+6.59)
8.2.53 (+0.22)33.72 (+6.81)
9.2.32 (+0.07)36.04 (+6.88)
10. finish8.82 (+1.50)44.86 (+8.38)

(dnf) [TnT]Eagle

Checkpoint #time from previoustime from start (potential)
2.3.77 (+0.07)8.23 (+0.07)
3.5.83 (+1.63)14.06 (+1.70)
4.3.06 (+0.57)17.12 (+2.27)
5.6.12 (+3.75)23.24 (+6.02)

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